Taptic Engine – Apple Watch (iWatch)

The taptic engine is apple’s feedback ‘vibrator’ that provides a new dimension to the apple watch.
It allows you to be notified by your apple watch or even send subtle taps to someone you’d like to contact. Not limiting the new watch to just visible notifications. It seems the intention of this element in the Apple Watch is to provide a feeling as if your friend is ‘tapping’ you on the wrist to get your attention.
Share heartbeat via Apple Watch
This “iWatch” features includes amazing possibilities such as sharing your heartbeat with your significant other.

Taptic Engine

What great things can you envision this feedback provider to do for apple devices?
I’m excited to no longer have to keep my iphone in my pocket 🙂

Apple Watch Lineup

Related: anyone looking to purchase the domains applepay.li or applepay.ws ?

5 thoughts on “Taptic Engine – Apple Watch (iWatch)”

  1. But you still have to keep you’re iPhone in your pocket. The iWatch must be tethered because it does not have enough computing power, and exactly what is it’s battery life?

  2. Pingback: Smartwatch | Usability
  3. Pingback: Look Inside The New Retina MacBook Pro’s Force Touch Trackpad And Taptic Engine | imGlobalNetwork

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