The FuzeCard Problem – EMV Chip Payments and Bank Negotiations

In the past couple years, we’ve seen the coming and going of several smart card companies promising to merge all your credit, debit, and rewards cards into one smart connected wallet. Despite the excitement surrounding all these products, they seem to run into one common wall when it comes to consumer deployment – EMV “Chip” … Read more

com.OptiBuy.agent and com.MyMacUpdater.agent

Noticed the following suspicious startup items on a  friend’s Mac OS X 10.10.5: com.MyMacUpdater.agent com.MyUpdater.agent com.OptiBuy.agent The friend had constant McAffe ads in her default browser (Google Chrome).  The computer doesn’t have any recently installed items. The startup items were removed with CCleaner, the computer was updated with the updates available in the app store and … Read more

Recursively Finding (and replacing) All Depreciated PHP Short Tags

Running the following code from your starting will give you the location of all short open tags in .php extension files. This command recursively searches all directories from the directory you start in. grep -r –include “*.php” “<?[ ]” . You may need to modify it if you have .php5 files or other non-php extensions holding php … Read more

Simple Proxmark3 Getting Started Guide on Windows

In the below video, we’ll be scanning a high frequency 13.56 MHZ card (NXP Mifare Classic) and two low frequency 125 kHz cards (HID and EM410x Tag) Steps: First, assemble your proxmark Download the latest compiled Proxmark3 Software from Unzip the file contents, and rename the content folder to proxmark3. For the commands following, you … Read more

Simple Proxmark3 Firmware Updating Guide [Windows]

Steps for Updating the Firmware on the Proxmark3 on Windows. WARNING: if you don’t have a real Proxmark Device, updating the firmware can cause the device to become a brick.  Download the latest software and firmware from Extract the downloaded zip file to your downloads folder and change the name to proxmark3 Plug in … Read more

Proxmark3 #db# Error, Unknown Function

While doing a low frequency search via the command “lf search” on my Elechouse Proxmark3, I encountered the error #db# Error, unknown function 26 It seems any message prefixed by #db# is a message coming from the proxmark3, rather than the proxmark software running on your computer. This would indicate a bug in the proxmark software! … Read more

OBL Fuel

What is OBL Fuel? OBL is Lithium. Lithium is used for batteries and can be mined from many sources including salt ponds and the ocean directly.